Friday, August 20, 2010

Life in Matrix

This is about my analysis of life and how we live.  I have been trying to logically analyze the life for a long time.  Finally I found a way to do it after watching the movie The Matrix. In the movie it was shown that we are all connected to some computer generated dream world and our lives are driven by some computer programs.  It may be a fiction, but after observing this world for a long time I came to a conclusion that it is more or less true!!  Yes because we have created a world with a lot of standards that works a lot like a software.  When you are a child, you do not know these standards and rules so you are so creative.  You may be naive, but you create a lot of stuff, you are genius at that age.  But as you grow up you are slowly adopted to these standards and rules.  They says that you have to go to school, memorize some stuff, and vomit them in exams and memorize more stuff then you can get good grades, then go and search for a job, face interview, answer ridiculous questions, and finally ready to do whatever your are told.  I think it is possible to write software to do all these things and moreover a software can do these things more effectively than a human being.  Even the worse case is all these organizations also looking for the same machines.  They put some practically impossible requirements for their job offerings.  When I see job postings, I really wonder is there any such person exists in this world.  I do not meant to say that something wrong with this world(actually it may be), but I am not able to come to an agreement with this world.  Why we are killing our gut feelings and following others?  I do not understand.  I will follow my passion.

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